So here it is, August, the month of my birth. I am experiencing a rebirth of sorts: shedding skin, bringing forth the latest version of me (in my fifth decade on Earth). Redefining myself as an artist during challenging times, especially now (perhaps every artist of every era says “especially now”). Sometimes all I feel is struggle; other times I feel exquisite flow, my body moving in time with the music in my soul.
Did you know I teach an exercise class for seniors? We sing, we dance, we punch the air to the Rocky movie theme (which is, incidentally, how I ended up with Rocky Balboa in one of my songs). I am their leader, their teacher – but they are really teaching me every week. They remind me to be playful, to interact, to MOVE!
Spring was a challenging transition for me – too much movement I suppose, with everything bursting forth at such volume. My new album release party was a smash. I’m so grateful to all who participated (my ten-piece band) and all those to came to listen. THANK YOU.
A few days later I flew to D.C. and wrote songs with/performed for hundreds of school children with my dear friend Mare. We had great fun on our mini whirlwind tour.
When I returned home, I was well worn out. At a time when I should’ve been ramping up, I simply retreated. I kept Facebook and email interactions to a bare minimum, and cocooned myself in a marathon Marie Kondo style tidying.
Other than singing with my students, I haven’t performed publicly since May. And that’s ok! I do feel like I am still on the ball, since two of my songs made it onto a pregame playlist at the SF Giants games. How exciting!

What happens next? First things first, I’m flying to Colorado to sing in a silo. Yep, the famous Tank Center for Sonic Arts – haven’t you heard? It’s a silo tank with marvelous acoustics. My friend is flying me out to record there on my birthday, August 24. I suspect this is where I’ll be emerging from the cocoon. Perhaps I’ll sound like a bee buzzing in the hive. Can’t wait to share tales of that experience with you.
In the meantime, check out what I’ve been up to in the past couple of months – working on a brand new website with gorgeous photos from Mike Lloyd Photography. Mike has a knack for making the person in front of his camera feel like a beautiful butterfly.
Speaking of being a poser, I asked Mike to take some yoga shots of me as well. This summer I’m celebrating my new status with IAYT, the International Association of Yoga Therapists. There’s a dedicated page on my website to tell you more about it.

Please kick the tires on my new site – I’d love to know what you think. There’s a new built-in player and a videos page. I want to give you more of what you want, so please tell me what you’d like to see. I welcome all comments and suggestions.
Wishing you love and new beginnings, especially now. 😘
Haven’t had a chance to get the new album yet? Go here to check it out.
“I am only human can’t you see
and I don’t have to leave
I break the mold
and here I hold
I hold, I hold, I hold”
excerpt from the new album, Atmospheric Epic