Last year I dazzled you with Lazy Susan Tuesday (just ever-so-slightly missing the mark of Black Friday boisterousness); this year I thought I’d head in the opposite direction by “eve-oking” the holiday spirit way earlier than usual.

My motivation? Captivation before the onslaught of end-of-year over-promotions. (Man, that’s a lot of hyphens.) And a deadline that hits in 3 days. Yes, in only 3 days the Easy Peezy Pee Test campaign comes to a close. Remember the song I was asked to write to heighten awareness about pediatric OSA (obstructive sleep apnea)? Well, the Easy Peezy video has garnered 13,286 hits so far on YouTube! Please show your support for this cause (and my song) by donating to fund their research and testing. If everyone who watched the video gave just $5, they’d reach their $100,000 goal. A small amount DOES make a difference.
To put you in the giving spirit, here’s a video with slightly less hits (as I just posted it last week). Be among the first to help me sing along and test your memory in the reindeer names game. I’ve got my head up in the clouds while Steven is doing his best to help me in this rarefied Rudolph rendition. It gets off to a sputtering start, but then oh, how it flies!
Ok, that’s my gift to you. Maybe it’s early enough that you won’t curse me for putting that song in your head. Though 2014 may soon be pitter-pattering away on Prancer and Dancer feet, I’m excited for what’s ahead. New adventures, new songs, and a new music/art project with my friends at PeaceTones charity.
I love it when I can work on something that feels bigger than myself, making music that reaches people in so many different ways. I’ll stay tuned if you will! Deal?
$5 off all Eve products now through the end of the year.