(namely this little guy…er…gal)
Give a truly unique gift by steering clear of the masses this year. Supporting independent artists and merchants makes you a Holiday Hero!
Jingle on down to Eve the Elf’s $5 Madness Sale – now through the end of the year! Boom!

Speaking of truly unique gifts, I was given the chance to perform my original Christmas song, Peace on Earth, at Grace Cathedral again this year. What a San Francisco treat!
And I’m thrilled to perform some of my songs with original paintings at the Holiday Salon this weekend. If you are interested in this event, please email me for details.

Finally, my niece – who says her Aunt Eve is “kinda famous” – sent me a new friend last week. He’s kinda famous himself! We had a mad shopping spree down at Union Square. Anybody else got a Flat Stanley story out there? Do tell!
A bonus San Francisco treat: check out my latest Alice and the Rabbit Hole post on my Top 5 favorite SF gift items. May it inspire you to buy local and SUPPORT THE LITTLE GUY!